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How to create a LinkedIn Page?

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LinkedIn is the widely used social media platform peculiarly, to fortify business and career in the desired path. Just like any other platform you need to create your profile which is substantially a professional resume featuring the respective data about your business, areas of expertise, achievements in your career, and the organization you belong to. 

Once your profile is created, you can add other people to amplify your network. A LinkedIn profile would brainstorm a job enthusiast for a professional social network and enables new job opportunities in the specified field. It not only benefits job seekers but also freelancers with a productive customer base.  LinkedIn helps you to build your network with the current and former colleagues and also associate you with other people you meet or come across at professional events such as seminars or conferences. 

In recent years LinkedIn has added many features such as it can be used as a mobile phone app or as a website making it readily accessible. There are other LinkedIn Groups that you can join to engage more with other people. Like other media platforms such as FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn also enables you to post a status about the current maneuvers or the subsequent events to follow. This would disseminate your updated networks and whereabouts. Even if you are not registered or signed up with LinkedIn, you can view some pages or profiles that are allowed by the website.

Benefits of the LinkedIn Page – 

  • With more than 706 million registered users globally around 150 countries in 2020, LinkedIn provides all these users a platform to create their profiles that represent professional connections such as the one between the freelancers and their potential partners.
  • These LinkedIn pages are used by active users not only to promote their business but also to enhance the sale and visibility of their business by keeping all prospects open.
  • LinkedIn majorly helps to generate new leads for the freelancers by the online content on their pages, by blog posts, or by engaging with the people who view their page and are interested in their works. Curated content allows the user to pledge their services to the utmost efficiency. 
  • You can share timely insights and updates about the company and its services and also recruit quality talent whenever required.
  • These pages also help others to know more about your business, school, products and it’s branding, and job opportunities associated with it.
  • Another major feature of the LinkedIn page is that you can measure the effectiveness of your updates posted frequently.

Creating a LinkedIn Profile –

To exploit an opportunity carefully, you must create a LinkedIn page. When you click on the creating LinkedIn page option four types of pages will appear i.e. Small Business, Large Business, Showcase page, Educational Institution (high school/university/college). You must choose the type of page according to your business and requirement. While creating a page you should ensure to cover the basics of your business in your profile. Following are the few steps that you need to follow while creating a page.

  • Choose the type of page beneficial to your organization.
  • Fill out the information needed to target the audiences
  • Add more details and description
  • Post content
  • Promote your page

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  • Secondly are the titles and taglines or description of the company. But they should always be brief and concise so that it doesn’t hide away in the display sidebar. Also, the use of language and vocabulary should be short and understandable.  
  • Add a website link, name of the industry, and its type and images that would target different members. You need to fill up this information based on the existing website of your organization as it is an identity of your company to connect with its potential customers.  
  • The description of the company should align with the manifest of the viewer and the company’s vision to find an insightful connection.
  • Add more details about  your page which is relevant to the company such as adding the other groups that are connected to the company or emphasizing your services and perquisites. 
  • You can also post content such as images, videos, documents, and articles in their respective columns to lead your customers. LinkedIn also provides a ‘content suggestion’ tool if you are uncertain about what to post. You can also engage your people by posting their progress and achievements to support their works.
  • You can either follow the trending content and hashtags or start a new one to guide your peers and supporters.
  • Any LinkedIn section contains a series of subsections that needs to be filled up like –       
  • About – The ‘About’ is where you fill basic data such as the one you fill in any networking site to give a gist about the company.
  • Life – ‘Life’ is the section where you exhibit the office culture and highlight your employee’s working experience which assures others to connect with your company is the perfect pitch. Here they realize how they can vibe with such an environment and learn new skills.
  • Job – When you are looking for new hiring you can simply post the listings here. It enables you to hire talented people based on their skillsets, profile, and position they are applying to. 
  • People – This helps the people who would like to connect with your organization by viewing the profiles of your employees. This section presides over connecting a huge network of employees who are related to hundreds of other members on LinkedIn. 
  • Below is one such example of a small business page with contemporary design.


  1. Showcase Page – The showcase pages are the sub-pages to your primary business page. These pages are responsible to avert the LinkedIn traffic. If your company has multiple functions then you can target these other members accordingly. Once you create a business page you can subdivide it into various designs by differentiating the pages according to the products, services, and other categories of viewers.
  • To create a Showcase page click on the edit dropdown in the top right corner of your company page. LinkedIn provides you with 10 free Showcase pages for your original company page. 
  • If you want to target a specific group of an audience then you should use keywords or a phrase that describes your product and expertise. This showcase page will help you immensely to connect with people that are proportionately related to it. 
  • LinkedIn has a feature in which you can follow only the Showcase page you wish to connect with rather than following the company’s core page. 
  • Try to be creative yet minimalist while designing your Showcase page because a simple concept would make it easier to connect with your services.
  • To enhance your followers or to maximize your LinkedIn engagement you should post different types of content based on the follower’s criteria such as the question-based content, video-based content, specific posts that would link you to the main company page or other Showcase pages if necessary.
  • You can edit these Showcase pages with the changing market and preferences to generate more leads in the business. They are a privilege to the business company page management as notifies the members connected to it.
  • LinkedIn writes, “It makes sense to create a Showcase Page when you want to represent a brand, business unit, or company initiative. These pages are intended to develop a long-term relationship with a specific audience.”

There are many other platforms to help you professionally but LinkedIn is one such unique platform to find appropriate comrades and not only connect with them but also collaborate with them in their undertakings and vice versa.  With the increasing users gradually and user-friendly interface to connect with the professionals, world-class talents, and potential industrial members LinkedIn has gained popularity in the employment industry. So why wait, if you want to establish yourself professionally start creating your own page and develop your network. Developing a LinkedIn page is an incredible endeavor because you need to create an engaging profile.

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